Hi, I’m Milena Hazhiivanova,

psychologist. executive coach. business partner. hr executive.

Well, it’s not so easy to describe yourself or tell your story in a few words.

As a professional – I have a lot of hats and roles. More than 20 years long career journey as a psychologist, business consultant, strategic HR, master trainer, executive coach, leadership development mentor, keynote speaker, project manager, facilitator, entrepreneur, leader…

Many, many trials, some mistakes, a lot of lessons learned…What is common in all these journeys?

Of course, it’s all about values!

As a business partner – I use to talk about value-based corporate culture. It’s the same from a personal perspective. You have to know about your drivers & values. That’s how you could live in integrity. What are mine?

The sense of meaning and purpose of something bigger than just a project is a huge driver for me. Cause.

Added value.





These are the key words that push the button and make me feel exactly at the right place. Meaning & value creation – my jobs often is to break down the big complex problems into achievable slices of value.

Take a look around us—there are so many fake things, so many people following models, and so many copy-paste projects. That’s why it’s a pleasure for me to communicate with authentic people, not necessarily perfect ones. I admire those who can allow themselves to not know everything but still try in their own way, even if they fail, confess, ignite, and burn.

My masterpiece in training design and delivery is the ALA (Authentic Leadership Academy). I describe it succinctly as a program that empowers individuals to lead with the strength of their own personalities. In this academy, there are no formal titles or rigid hierarchies. The true leader is the one whom people naturally follow and who understands how to influence while remaining true to themselves.

I teach companies and individuals simple, powerful, and enduring skills by engaging all their senses. At times, the experience might be uncomfortable, even challenging, but regardless, my approach ultimately leads to change and transformation. “No pain, no gain” is the core belief that drives both me and the individuals I work with toward continuous growth and flourishing.

This is something I learned many years ago during my sports career, and today, I consciously apply it to a business context.

Years ago, I had a well-paid job with all the perks—certainty, regular weekends, and time for vacations. It was pleasant to belong, both to a company and a team. However, there came a moment when I realized it was time to assume responsibility and ownership, to explore my limits. I aspired to question the status quo, adapt to new developments, and continually enhance myself and my projects. That’s why I’ve been running my own company (Years ago, I had a well-paid job with all the perks—certainty, regular weekends, and time for vacations. It was pleasant to belong, both to a company and a team. However, there came a moment when I realized it was time to assume responsibility and ownership, to explore my limits. I aspired to question the status quo, adapt to new developments, and continually enhance myself and my projects. That’s why I’ve been running my own company (www.h-vision) for more than 18 years, managing all the challenges that come my way. My fundamental message remains: “Mindset matters!”

Certainly, at the outset of my career, I undertook the usual projects – training sessions, events, HR outsourcing, process mapping and optimization. However, as I’ve become more self-aware and matured, I’ve come to realize that following the well-trodden path isn’t my strong suit.

What truly ignites my passion is the creative process, using my imagination to start from scratch, explore ideas, and uncover the very best ways to address the unique needs and specifics of each client. This requires a significant amount of effort, not only from me but also from my team. At times, the tasks may appear daunting, but in the end, the results are always worthwhile.

My portfolio is brimming with distinctive, unconventional projects that harness the strengths of a diverse array of individuals – celebrities, experts, actors, leaders, interns. This demands a high degree of communication flexibility, empathy, and a personal touch because there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone deserves their moment of recognition and glory, and sometimes, to nurture the creativity of those around you, you must put your own ego aside.

But that’s precisely how innovation thrives.

Now let’s shift our focus from talking about me to working together.

How can I assist you today?




trainings & workshops

I specialize in crafting tailored training activities that foster both professional and personal growth for individuals and teams

authentic leadership academy

An unparalleled academy experience awaits. Join the game and discover your authentic self, your leadership style, and how others perceive you in just three days

coaching & mentoring

Coaching/Mentoring is a unique approach that will help you succeeded in your goals and become the best version of yourself.

mastermind groups

The collective mind power of others or group coaching. A mastermind group is an interactive approach that will give you a new perspective, an idea, or even a solution to a challenging problem.

keynote speaker & panel moderator

The skilled moderator could make your event pop-up, asking the right questions, leading the talk in a meaningful direction, and leaving in the audience a sense of purpose.

business consultat

Sometimes when we look over things from a different perspective it could save us time, money, and resources. Let us consult you and your company and help you become better.












  • Client Image

    „Имах удоволствието да опозная Милена в ролята й на преподавател в магистърска програма. Благодарение на нея получих един от най-ценните дарове в живота си - знания, приложими на практика. Креативността на Милена, нестандартното й мислене и иновативните подходи, които използва в работата си безспорно увличат и вдъхновяват. Тя успява по уникален начин да те потопи  в материята,  да те постави в „главната роля" и чрез преживяване да ти предаде знанието. Не само, Милена е боец, който има смелостта и волята да променя. Тя е един от малкото хора, които успяват да променят средата ни към по-добро. Изключително целенасочена, тя винаги успява да влезе в дълбочина на всичко което прави и да го доведе до успешен край."

    • Боряна Нейчева
    • Human Resources Manager at Cash Credit
  • Client Image

    I have been working with Milena Hadzhiivanova on several projects for years – she was the main trainer during 2 of our big events - more than 200 participants. After that, last year we invited her to be a motivational speaker during our conference. I was impressed and can say that she is an amazing professional and a woman. Her wisdom and gentle approach helped me to realize how to cope with my weakness in work and to transform it into power. I could strongly recommend working with Milena and her team. They can transform your world!

    • Elena Petkova
    • Marketing Manager/ Bul Med Consult
  • Client Image

    „Милена е изключителен професионалист, който съчетава в работата стил, креативност и много енергия. Ако искате да усетите искрата и да бъдете вдъхновени отвътре навън, тя ще го направи леко и непринудено, като дълго време след като сте общували с нея, ще се връщате мислено към WOW моментите, които сте преживели заедно. По време на обучения Милена успява да енергизира групата и да създаде на всеки участник среда за insights and ideas."

    • Мария Шиварова
    • Head Of Training And Development at DSK Bank
  • Client Image

    I have the pleasure to share my thoughts about Mrs. Milena Hadziivanova in her role as a coach of our Mastermind group. It was an extraordinary experience for me not only because of the turbulent pandemic times but also due to the feeling of bonding and certainty Milena shaped in everyone. She has the talent to be a leader in her field, but a type of leader you find as a friend and a supporter, the most sustainable type. Milena's mastermind sessions were the "pill" we all necessitated in order to be resilient and strong in the difficult times. Moreover, her professionalism and passion for tackling a problem or a dilemma revealed Milena's personal excellence. Thank you, Milena, for being so inspirational and devoted!

    • Desi Peteva
  • Client Image

    As a manager, I have been looking for a place where I can share my experience, discuss ideas and issues. By referral of a friend I found out about Milena's Mastermind Group and had the great pleasure of joining one in 2020. It's a great place for connecting with similarly minded people who understand you and often are troubled by the same issues. This brings great comfort as leadership can be a lonely experience most of the time. Milena played a key role in structuring the discussions, moderating people who don't get moderated very often. Overall a great experience that I recommend to everyone who manages a business.

    • Radomir Raskov
    • Co-Owner and General Manager at Inox Ltd, Co-Founder at Accurl Bulgaria Ltd and Inter Engineering
  • Client Image

    Milena is an amazing person, unique in the way she provides information, with a highly interactive and innovative approach. We appreciate that she is a true expert in the ever-changing world of HR. She is always willing to step in to help with projects and exceed our expectations every time! She helped us during a time of rapid growth to navigate the HR hurdles with a very quick response and very knowledgeable. She helped us come up with creative solutions to our changing needs and helped us organize for future growth. Very professional and understanding of our needs.

    • Daniel Petrov
    • CEO of VSG Bulgaria
  • Client Image

    Милена е един от най-активните и устойчиво подкрепящи БАУХ членове за цялата история на организацията. Това , обаче, е малко и скучно да се каже за нея. Тя измисля. Тя провокира. Тя вдъхновява.  Виждали сме я в различи роли на  големи наши събития : като увличащ презентатор, като успешен модератор, като ожесточен дискутиращ. Но за мен най-запомнящо е нейното участие като мотивационен откриващ лектор в международната конференция на БАУХ през май 2017г. . Нейната спонтанно разказана история „Там където нещата се случват с лекота ... В лидерството, в живота" докосна всеки от аудиторията. Различно, но замислящо и запомнящо се.

    • Геновева Бакарджиева
    • Executive Director, Bulgarian Association for People Management
  • Client Image

    Milena Hadzhiivanova is one of those women who can be a great role model - successful in business – as entrepreneur & leader. Impressive from the stage - as a key note/ motivational speaker. Professional in conducting panel discussions, coaching, mentoring and master mind sessions. It‘s a privilege to have her as a Business Lady Club member and to combine our efforts supporting women‘s growth.

    • Daniel Dimitrov
    • Owner and founder: Business Lady magazine, Business Lady club, Business Lady Awards and Business Lady Excellence Conference




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